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Friday 11 February 2011

Now that's a bit more like it!  I made some proper butter cream icing (oh so yummy, not good for the hips.thighs/tummy/etc), and used a bigger nozzle, there's even some edible glitter on those, thank you very much!  Madam certainly agreed they're better this time around, seems she was copying Mr B and tried to fit one in whole.  Needless to say, she had a bath that evening...
Speaking of Madam, she was bought a shiny new potty today.  Well, not so much shiny as it is plastic, but hey.  It's still a wee (geddit?!) bit early for potty training my monkey, who is turning a grand old 14mths tomorrow, but I wanted her to get used to the potty, even if it just means sitting on it fully dressed with a good book.
I somehow get the feeling potty training will come too soon though, my beautiful daughter is growing up too fast.  Just last week, she sprouted teeth 9 and 10, that's half of them now!  Yes, halfway to the end of the miserable baby with the cold, the restless nights, the red cheeks and painful gums... Oh wait, then in a few years time, they fall out again!  Sheesh...


  1. Much better!!!
    We're attempting a giant cupcake at the Wkend for Daddy...

  2. That's my next project, the cheek of you! ;) I got the mould from JML, have you seen them? x
