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Tuesday 8 February 2011

10 Guilty Pleasures

Being a full time mum/wife/housekeeper/nurse/cleaner, etc, I don't get that much time to enjoy the little things in life, so thought I'd count my blessings and make a list of my top 10 guilty, or some not so guilty, pleasures (PG rated, of course!)

  1. Putting down roots- Once Madam is in bed for her afternoon siesta, I don't half love to flop on the sofa with my laptop and some chocolate.  This really covers pleasures 1-3; Parking me bum, peace & quiet and chocolate!
  2. Like I said, having a sit down.  Preferably on a well worn, squishy sofa, with a bum indent made just for me.
  3. Can't beat a bit of P&Q really, can ya? As much as I enjoy hearing Madam's ever expanding vocabulary, the sweet sound of nowt comes a very close second best. 
  4. Ah, chocolate.  My friend, my treat, mine, mine, mine!  I do especially like something in the chocolate orange area, but let's face it- anything in the Cadbury range will do just fine, ta muchly.
  5. Chick flicks. That's right, I may claim to be an intelligent, opinionated woman of the world, but if ever I get the chance, I'll happily stare at the screen for almost two hours, hoping against hope that the leading lady will finally see her best friend really is the man of her dreams, THE ONE she's meant to be with! Sigh...
  6. A lie-in.  Certainly not a pleasure I get to indulge in very often at all.  But every now and then, usually on a Saturday, Mr B gallantly climbs out from under that warm-as-freshly-burnt-toast duvet and gets Madam up from her cotbed-shaped lair, just so as I can grab a few more precious, delicious moments of slumber.
  7. Pop music!  Yes, just like the chick flicks, pop really is the candy floss of the music world- sweet but sickly.  I know I should be listening to classic music, or music with meaningful lyrics.... But I really can't help myself!  You try and stop your foot from tapping along with the latest bubblegum twee pop group.  They may be annoying as hell, but it's still kinda catchy.
  8. Car-dancing.  No, nothing to do with Transformers at a disco.  This is all about rocking out in your vehicle to whatever music you have blaring out of the stereo.  Makes sitting in a traffic jam infinitely more bearable!  Just mind the steering wheel should head banging take your fancy...
  9. The internet. Or, to be more specific, going on Facebook when I really should be doing that last bit of housework...gasp!
  10. Sausage rolls.  Fattening and often made with rubbish meat, but hey.
Feel free to leave a comment with your favourite guilty pleasures, I promise not to tell!

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