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Thursday, 5 May 2011

10 Things You Didn't Know About Me

Right then, Mrs McC over at The McCaskie Clan has tagged me to write 10 things you lot never knew about me for the Kreativ Blogger award:
(Yes, me!! I got an award! *cheesy grin*)

Now as I see it, there are 3 rules;

  1. Link this award to 10 other blogs
  2. Tell these bloggers about the Kreativ Blogger award
  3. And write down 10 facts about yourself

Ok, now this could get a tad difficult, as I waffle on so incessantly I'm sure I've told you all about myself already!!  But let's have a go, shall we? 

  1. I spent most of 2006 in Queensland, Australia.  I worked hard mustering cattle (a real life cowgirl), got drunk a lot, and did some really stupid stuff, least of which was flipping a car and earning myself two weeks in hospital and an eight inch scar from my crown to my cheekbone.
  2. I have the highest recorded anti-Kell antibody titre that resulted from a miscarriage before we were blessed with Madam, and as such I'm part of a medical study to get more information on these lesser known antibodies.
  3. I can crack every bone in my body, much to the disgust of pretty much anyone within earshot.
  4. I have been awfully drunk on more than one occasion, but I have never been victim of a hangover (hmmm, famous last words?)
  5. I have a morbid fear of flatflies *shudder, gag*.  For those of you who don't know, these are like ticks, but they have wings. Ugh....
  6. My biggest ambition in life is to work with wolves, in conservation areas.  They are incredible, majestic and beautiful animals!
  7. Or failing that, I'd just like my own cupcake shop please.
  8. I have seen every single episode ever made of 'Friends' and 'Will & Grace', at least 4 times over.
  9. I have a tattoo on each ankle, one on my left shoulder blade and a fourth on my right upper arm.  They all symbolise something extremely special that has happened in my life (maybe I'll photograph them all for you sometime). 
  10. I got real writer's block on this number 10...

Now, all you lovelies that are listed below- your turn!! (Apologies if you've been tagged before)

Looking forward to finding out more about you all! x

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