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Monday, 14 March 2011

Teething Necklace Trial

Today I thought I'd take a break from my usual Monday post of 'Magpie Mondays' and show off Madam's new necklace.

She has some real problems when teething, especially now her molars are poking through, with a vengeance I might add.  So I did some research on amber teething jewellery and liked what I saw.

I found this information on the littleacornstomightyoaks website, they do have some beautiful amber jewellery pieces on there, including a bracelet if you didn't want your little one to wear a necklace.

Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces & Bracelets

A natural analgesic, amber will have a calming and soothing effect on a baby without resorting to over the counter drugs and remedies during teething. An amber teething necklace is not designed to be chewed on by a baby! When a baby is teething and the amber teething necklace is worn on the skin, the skin's warmth releases healing oils from the amber (a resin) which are absorbed via the skin into the bloodstream. Unlike teething gels, powders or pain relief syrups, the traditional beaded amber necklaces imported from the Baltic region are a less intrusive remedy for teething pain and side effects of teething, such as drooling, lack of appetite, upset tummies, ear ache, fevers and colds. Amber's anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties are also recognized by allopathic medicine. 

That sounded pretty good to me, so I got a necklace for Madam, and so far so good!  She doesn't mind wearing it at all, which surprised but pleased me.  I honestly thought she'd have pulled it off as soon as my back was turned, but when I pointed out it was a necklace, and that Mummy was wearing a similar one, she happily said "Pretty, pretty!" and went on her way.

P.s- check out the Little Acorns to Mighty Oaks website for so many other gorgeous items, they have a website full of non-toxic products for the whole family!

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Stand Out Tuesdays!

Ok, the first photos!
Here's Madams contribution:

I thought it was appropriate for her to wear the 'Make Noise!' t-shirt as I could barely hear her over those loud leggings!

Ok, I admit I didn't do very well, I even wore black trousers! But it's a start, I never wear something so bright usually.  I even had one woman tell me my top had made her feel much more like summer was on the way!

(p.s- I see now how filthy the mirror is, apologies!!)

So come on folks, join in with my Stand Out Tuesday, and post on your blogs your own bright and cheerful clothing photos for all to see!

Stand Out Tuesdays!

I was invited to a hen party last Saturday night, my hubby's lovely cousin will be getting hitched in May, many congrats to you darling! :)

But as I looked across the crowded room (and it was very crowded- approximately 200 screaming, 'merry' women at a Take That tribute evening!), do you know what I saw?  No, of course you don't, get on with it and tell them!

Cue dramatic music please... A sea of black and grey!!! GASP!    Sorry, too OTT?

Anyway, that's what I could see, every woman was wearing some shade of grey or black, it was so depressing.  It didn't matter if the woman was slim or curvy, tall or short, blonde, brunette or redhead!  Admittedly, every now and then, a speck of green or red would pop up, but on the whole it was like watching a flock of blackbirds sway back and forth.

Why do we do it?  There are so many beautiful colours of clothing out there, why do we feel safer in dull and drab?  Yes, there can be some lovely patterns in dark colours, but why are we frightened to stand out a little bit more?

I'm guilty of it too.  I once bought myself a lovely mac, it's bright red.  Ask me how often I wear it as opposed to my black jacket..... Yeah, the ratio is highly in favour of the 'you won't see me if I'm the same colour as that bit of tarmac' coat!

So I've decided to set myself a challenge, you're all more than welcome to join in, I'd love to see photos on your own blogs.  Every Tuesday (as it's otherwise a rather boring day for me) I'm going to wear the brightest, most colourful outfit I can cobble together!  And what's more, I promise I'll even go outside it in, and have photos taken!!

Watch this space for today's outfit, photos coming soon!
p.s- Madam will also be joining in- I dress her so she doesn't really have a choice!

Monday, 7 March 2011

Magpie Monday

This blog by Missie Lizzie has quickly become another of my firm favourites as I adore trawling through car boot sales, charity shops and house clearances, and I’ve found some real beauties at bargain prices.

I had a good haul last Tuesday morning (typical, just too late to post for last week!) in a nearby town, so allow me to share! :)

These pure sheepskin slippers fit Madam like an oh-so-soft glove and were amazingly priced just £1.50.  I’ve been on the lookout for a decent pair for a while, as she gets very cold feet in the mornings and the best bit about these is the fact that you can tie them nice and tight, so the little monkey won’t be pulling them off!

I managed to spot these too, tucked away on the bottom shelf of a shoe rack right at the back of the shop.  The only marks on them was the slightest scuffing to the heel tip, and they were a brilliant buy at only £3.95.  I like to wear heels every so often, but only have black pairs, so I thought these in their light colour made a rather nice summery option.

This last catch was actually a while ago when I’d been out for a cuppa and mooch with my good friend from The McCaskie Clan.  I love entertaining at home, and always enjoy serving chips ‘n’ dips in pretty little serving dishes.  Even if it’s just me and Mr B snacking, I’ll still make it 'purdey'!  I’d wanted to order a white 4 part dish set on a wooden tray from an online home-making store but it was out of stock, so imagine my delight when I found one twice as big at half the price for £4.95!

If you enjoy finding treasures in your local charity shops or cat boot sales, join in with Missie Lizzie's post on Magpie Mondays.

Also, feel free to have a mooch through my older blogs and let me know what you think of my writing. :)

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Will I Fit?

We popped into a friend's house t'other day, one of Madam's multiple 'adopted' grandparents. They have a beautiful black cat who is very patient and loving with small children, even when having her ears/tail/feet, etc tugged!

So Madam adores her, but perhaps too much? She insisted on trying to follow her out the cat flap to continue their games!

Fortunately, our friend's granddaughter, who is Madam's age, popped in, and they spent the rest of the afternoon learning how to share:


Chocolate fingers...

Even Grannys!

Friday, 4 March 2011

Flashback Friday

It's that time of the week again! I really enjoy leafing through old photographs, so this 'Flashback Friday' blog from Cafe Bebe has quickly become a firm favourite of mine to follow.

Here's my contribution this week:

Popping back, not too far (I hope!), to the early 90's.  This is the first school photo of myself and my brother in the same school, him being two years above me.  I always hated having my photo taken, I think I was laughing out of embarrassment and trying to hold it in!

I wonder what the photographer was trying to achieve with the background, would the parents really think we'd been outside on a cold afternoon in September/October? Besides, where my old school was, the nearest trees and flowers were about 10miles away in the countryside!

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Simple Pleasures

This weeks theme from Sticky Fingers 'The Gallery' is Simple Pleasures.
I absolutely love getting out of the house, usually on a weekend morning, to take a walk through the local woods.  I'm fortunate enough to live in a stunningly beautiful area of England, the Forest of Dean.  The woods are plentiful and breathtaking, especially during Autumn, when the trees colour up to look as if on fire.
So we all tog ourselves up in layer upon layer, and strut our stuff for the local wildlife :)

Well, we walk.  Madam simply must be carried!

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Stop Growing!

My sister in law was good enough to give us her Moses basket when Madam was born, so now she herself is expecting a wee pink sproglet (after three blues, yay!), I dug it out to give it all a good wash and hand it back over.
I couldn't resist lying Madam down in it to see how much she'd grown, since moving into her swinging crib at just six weeks old, and then cotbed.....

My mistake, waaaah!! My baby need to stop growing!